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Why sell a business with us?

  • Pay no commission or hidden charges. Choose a package and only pay the one off fee.

  • Successfully present on the Internet. We rank on the first page of Google for thousands of search terms so there’s really no better place when selling your business.

  • Attracts only interested and potential buyers.

  • Reach thousands of buyers that visit our site every month looking to buy a business.

  • With over 1.500 visitors and potential buyers every day, the most visited platform in Europe!

  • More than 5.000 interested contacts from our database will receive your ad immediately by email if it meets their search criteria.

  • Not expensive, because for only 0,60 € / day your ad is already online.

  • Advertising-free website, so all the attention goes to your ad without distraction.

  • You can easily place, edit, renew or delete your ad yourself in less than 10 minutes.
    And if you need help, we are always available for you!

  • We’ll email you directly each time a buyer is interested.

    And you also will find all details of your received contact request.

  • Our personal approach and fast service is well known and appreciated.

How it Works?

  • Register on

  • Place your ad and pay online.

  • Your ad will be posted immediately.

  • You will receive your invoice in your mailbox.


  • Register on

  • Place your ad and pay with a bank transfer.

  • Your ad will be placed online after receiving your payment (count 2 to 3 days, depending on your bank).

  • You will receive your invoice in your mailbox.

Reserved for professionals

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